Happy Winter!

Happy Winter!

Posted by Seattle Dental Care Jun 28, 2022

Happy Winter!

To our wonderful clients, we are blessed to know and work with such wonderful people. Clients, our team, dental laboratory and support people. Each day we feel blessed to be able to practice our chosen career of Dentistry. We are having so much fun integrating natural health and wellness with dental excellence. Our biological doctors have been doing this for years and they love it. Our constant questions are how can we do things better and how can we help our clients be healthier and more whole. Holistic means having a broader view. So we research natural medicine to find information that we can share with anyone who can benefit. We are really excited about a meeting that Dr. Stickney will attend in February in Florida. It is the annual meeting of The International Academy of Ceramic Implantology. Dentists from over the world will be attending. We are especially interested in what the European dentists have a lot to share as they have been doing ceramic implants far longer than we have in the USA. Several of the presentations will be on the biocompatibility of ceramic implants versus titanium and the most biocompatible bone graft materials. When doctors first studied Biological dental principles, they learned much from the German physicians and dentists who gave so freely of their time and knowledge. Thank you for being a part of our practice. Blessings to you.

To your health and well-being!

Seattle Dental Care

At Seattle Dental Care, our team of dedicated naturopathic  dentists will ensure that you receive relaxing dental care using simple, non toxic, natural dental materials. If you're ready to experience the best biological dentistry, using ozone therapy as part of the standard care, please contact holistic dentist Seattle at (206) 728-1330 or visit us at 2107 Elliott Ave Ste 210, Seattle, WA 98121. We will be happy to help you with your dental needs.

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