Ceramic Implants At Seattle Dental Care

Ceramic Implants At Seattle Dental Care

Seattle Dental Care

What Is Dental Implant?

Whenever there is a missing tooth in the jaw (other than wisdom teeth), the rest of the body is forced to compensate and sacrifice to attempt to re-balance the tipped equilibrium. One of the options to restore missing teeth, the natural balance and harmony of the body, is a dental implant.

Dental implants are surgically placed into the jawbone to mimic and replace the root portion of a missing tooth. An implant crown is then cemented on top of it to restore the chewing function. This method does not involve adjacent teeth, meaning no grinding away of natural tooth structure, and you can floss and brush around the implant just like a natural tooth.

However, not all implants are made the same. At Seattle Dental Care – Biological Dental Care, we select implant systems based on material, biocompatibility, immunological compatibility, and design to ensure our patients receive the best care.

Why Zirconia?

The implant we use is made out of zirconia, a material that is highly biocompatible. Unlike titanium implants, zirconia implants do not cause problems such as oral galvanism, electrochemical corrosion, or inflammatory reactions. Additionally, titanium implants do not truly “integrate” with the bone. They attach to the jawbone via sclerosis due to the reaction they create at the insertion site. Zirconia implants, on the other hand, integrate with the bone in a healthy, normal manner.

Immunological Compatibility

Titanium implants can corrode and release metal ions over time, leading to an immune reaction and peri-implantitis. Zirconia, being pure ceramic, does not induce such reactions.

Seattle Dental Care
Seattle Dental Care


You do not need to sacrifice the look and health of your gums to restore missing teeth. Unlike titanium implants, which have a gray metal color, zirconia implants are white, making them less noticeable under the gum tissue. Zirconia is also very friendly with the gums, reducing the chances of irritation, swelling, or gum recession compared to titanium.

If you're interested in learning more about zirconia implants or wondering if you're a candidate, we would be happy to answer your questions.

At Seattle Dental Care, our biological dentist ensures a positive and relaxing experience. For the best biological dental care, contact holistic dentist Seattle WA at (206) 728-1330 or visit us at 2107 Elliott Ave Ste 210, Seattle, WA 98121.