A True Story

A True Story

Posted by Seattle Dental Care Jun 28, 2022

The Odyssey to Holistic Dentistry

biological dentist, biological dentist seattle, biological hygienist

Good Morning,

Today’s blog is a true life story. Dr. S had an illness in the early 1980s that worsened when he took conventional medication. He went on a quest to recover his health. He attended seminars on alternative dentistry and medicine and saw 16 different healthcare practitioners. He made many discoveries during his quest. Whether conventional or alternative care, he found that many offices did not take time to listen to the patient. Some doctors gave a medication, prescribed an herb, or did an adjustment without getting to know the person.  Of the sixteen practitioners that he saw, three made a huge difference.  One doctor was a cranial osteopathic physician who took the time to listen, and her healing hands created a shift that can still be felt today. The second was a dentist who took out all of his silver amalgam fillings, resulting in an immediate and profound change in his symptoms. One symptom, in particular, was ice-cold hands and feet which went back to normal overnight. The third doctor was a physician who deeply listened to him and then helped him learn to meditate and bring fun back into his life.
This is the story of my recovery, which took a year and a half. The learning has lasted a lifetime. I became a constant student of the body, mind, and spirit. I explored many types of body work by having treatment. Acupuncture, cranial sacral treatment, reiki, Feldenkrais, massage, various types of physical therapy, chiropractic, trigger point therapy, homeopathy, Chinese herbal treatments, rebirthing, yoga, qi gong, affirmations, and others were all part of my quest. I learned from German physicians and dentists about electroacupuncture and energy medicine. I also studied with the best dentists who were on the same path. I’ve distilled the essence of my ongoing learning into my work. I created a dental practice that was about more than just the teeth, a practice in which all of my team members work for a common goal: your overall health and well-being.  As well as a dental practice we are a resource center to help people look better, feel better and be healthier.

Our holistic dentists Seattle ensure that each patient receives personalized care and advice on how to maintain their oral health, as well as providing treatments that are tailored to the individual's needs. We are committed to providing the highest quality of integrative dentistry where we ensure our patients are comfortable and relaxed throughout the process. We are dedicated to helping our patients achieve optimum dental and whole-body health while maintaining a beautiful smile. If you're ready to experience the best biological dental care, please contact natural dentist near me at (206) 728-1330 or visit us at 2107 Elliott Ave Ste 210, Seattle, WA 98121. We will be happy to guide you further.

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A True Story