Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal At Seattle Dental Care

Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal At Seattle Dental Care

Amalgam Removal

At Seattle Dental Care, we offer mercury-free, metal-free, BPA-free, and fluoride-free ceramic dental fillings. We also offer safe amalgam removal services following a strict SMART protocol.

Amalgam fillings are silver in color and are composed of a mixture of metals, including silver, tin, copper, and mercury. Mercury makes up about 50 percent of the mercury filling, with the other metals making up the other 50 percent. Holistic dentists view mercury as a neurotoxin, which can adversely affect our health. FDA has also produced an article regarding this matter.

SMART, safe mercury filling removal, amalgam removal

Benefits of Amalgam Removal

There are a variety of reasons why you should remove amalgam fillings from your mouth.

  • Reduced risk of mercury exposure and heavy metal toxicity

Mercury exposure from amalgam fillings can cause a number of health issues, including neurological damage. Repeatedly grinding or chewing on mercury fillings can lead to the release of fine mercury particles and mercury vapor into the body, resulting in heavy metal toxicity. By removing the fillings and replacing them with more safe materials, you can reduce your risk of mercury exposure.

    Reduced risk of further damage to teeth from mercury fillings

    Over time, mercury fillings can either expand or contract, potentially leading to cracked teeth, breakage, or further decay. If these issues are not addressed promptly, they can lead to severe consequences, including tooth loss.

    • Improved oral aesthetics.

    Removing amalgam fillings from your teeth and replacing them with tooth-colored, natural-looking composites can dramatically improve your smile and offer a more pleasing aesthetic to your teeth.

    amalgam removal, mercury filling removal

    Amalgam Removal Procedure

    When it's time to get rid of your mercury fillings, your dentist will provide you with homeopathic supplement before and after the treatment. We will provide you with a disposable gown, hair wrap, glasses, and dental dam to protect you. We will also utilize high-volume air filtration that is able to remove small mercury particles in the air. To ensure you are not breathing in any vapor released to the air during the treatment, you will also be supplied with pure oxygen system. Throughout the procedure, our holistic dentist will remove the amalgam fillings by sectioning them into chunks to reduce fine mercury particles.

    How Is The Tooth Restored After Amalgam Removal?

    Once all the amalgam or mercury fillings have been safely removed, the teeth will be thoroughly cleaned and carefully examined. The teeth will be examined for need of additional treatment. Then, as a replacement for the amalgam fillings, your biological dentist will place BPA free, fluoride free, metal free, tooth-colored porcelain resin material to biomimetically restore your tooth's natural function, structure, alignment, and aesthetic.

    What's Next After Amalgam Removal?

    After removing your mercury filling, our biological dentists will guide you through the next steps to detoxify your body from heavy metal toxins. This could involve using supplements, employing homeopathic remedies at home, or collaborating with a specialist experienced in eliminating accumulated heavy metal toxins.

    It's possible for some patients to experience sensitivity following their procedure as the body is undergoing a healing process. Though symptoms typically go away within a few days, it's important for patients to contact their biological dentist as soon as possible if they notice any ongoing sensitivity or pain.

    At Seattle Dental Care, our holistic dentist ensures to provide each of our patients with a positive and relaxing experience. If you're ready to experience the best biological dental care, please contact biological dentist Seattle WA at (206) 728-1330 or visit us at 2107 Elliott Ave Ste 210, Seattle, WA 98121. We will be happy to guide you further.